2019年3月13日 星期三

英文筆記:字彙 Leap Day

Leap Day 閏日
Leap Month 潤月
Leap Year 閏年

英文筆記:口語 ~ like it's candy

~ like it's candy 對某事某物沒有節制(藥、菸、花錢...)

I went through my money like it was candy.
You're taking painkillers like they are candy.

英文筆記:口語 Do someone's bidding

Do someone's bidding.  聽某人的命令做事

You're doing mom's bidding.
She is not a child who will do your bidding without question.

英文筆記:口語 I put you in an awkward spot.

Sorry, I put you in an awkward spot. 抱歉,我讓你尷尬了。

Put sb on the spot. 使某人尷尬
Put sb in the awkward postion.

Because I am such good friends with both Jack and Jenny, their breakup puts me in a really awkward position.
I hope you realize that it will puts us in a awkward postion if you decide to leave the company right now.

英文筆記:口語 Crisis on one's hand.

Crisis on one's hand. 手上一團亂

We do have a crisis on our hands.

英文筆記:口語 Make One's Head Spin.

Make One's Head Spin. 讓某人頭昏眼花

All of that information made her head spin.

英文筆記:口語 Rookie Mistake

Rookie Mistake. 幼稚的錯誤、低級的錯誤

I'm not making the same rookie mistake I made last year.

英文筆記:口語 On the same page.

On the same page. 有共識
To get on the same page

We all need to be on the same page before we try to present this complex idea to the boss.

英文筆記:口語 I'm rooting for you.

rooting for sb 為某人加油

I'm rooting for you. 我為你加油
The whole group will be rooting for him. 

英文筆記:諺語 Crocodile Tears

Crocodile Tears 偽善、貓哭耗子假慈悲

They weep crocodile tears for the poor and disadvantaged, but basically happy with things as they are.

英文筆記:口語 Something else.

Something else. 某人、某事特別優秀、特別、印象深刻。

She's something else.
I thought I'd seen some interesting parts of the world, but Dubai really is something else.

2019年3月12日 星期二

英文筆記:片語動詞 Nose Around

Nose Around 偷看

I always wanted to have a nose around that restaurant's kitchen.
What were you doing nosing around in my office?

英文筆記:片語動詞 Chill Out

Chill Out 放輕鬆

After a hard day at work, Alex likes to chill out in his chair.
When I finsh studying all my phrasal verbs, I can chill out.

Chillout music

英文筆記:片語動詞 Doze Off

Doze Off 打瞌睡

Many people doze off while watching TV.
He was so tired after school that he started to doze off on the bus.

doze/ dozed/ dozed

英文筆記:慣用語 Out of Breath

Out Of Breath 喘不過氣來、上氣不接下氣

She is out of breath from climbing the stairs.
I had to run to catch the bus, so I was totally out of breath as I sat down in my seat.

英文筆記:片語動詞 Cast Aside

Cast Aside 丟到一邊。不理某物、某事,因為不再需要它。

His superiors had cast him aside.
Kids tend to cast aside toys when they get new, shiny ones.
Before my father died I cast it all aside, lived as I imagined I wanted to live.
How could she now cast her aside as though it had meant nothing, a phase she had gone through?

cast/ cast/ cast

英文筆記:慣用語 Pig Out

Pig Out 狂吃

He is really hungry. He is going to pig out.
Alex loves to pig out on fruit and vegetable.
I found Sam in fornt of TV, pigging out on pizza and fries.

英文筆記:片語動詞 Disagree With

Disaagree With Sb 讓你的身體感到不舒服

Shirmp disagrees with me.
I don't drink milk because it disagrees with me.

英文筆記:片語動詞 Wash Up

Wash Up 洗臉或洗手

Make sure to wash up before dinner.
Pack away your art supplies and then wash up.

2019年3月11日 星期一

英文筆記:片語動詞 Carry Out

Carry Out 執行、完成

A survey is now being carried out nationwide.
Turn off the water supply before carrying out repairs.

carry out work
carry out your duties/ responsibilities
carry out a job/ task
carry out research
carry out a survey
carry out a check
carry out a task
carry out an experiment
carry out a review
carry out a study
carry out an investigation
carry out an inquiry
carry out an assessment
carry out a search
carry out an attack

They conducted experiments to test this theory.

carry/ carried/ carried

英文筆記:字彙 Scam

Scam 詐騙 noun.

Scam mail
Credit-card scam
He got involved in a credit card scam.

英文筆記:慣用語 Your conscience pricks you. Prick your conscience.

Your conscience pricks you. 受到良心的譴責
Prick your conscience.

Her conscience pricked her as she lied to her mother.
Some of things he'd done still pricked his conscience.

英文筆記:片語動詞 Bluff Your Way

Bluff Your Way 靠著虛張聲勢,蒙混過關

bluff your way out of/ through/ past ect. sb/ sth

She successfully bluffed her way through the interview.
I hope we'll be able bluff our way past the guard.

bluff/ bluffed/ bluffed

英文筆記:片語動詞 Walk Off

Walk Off

1. 因為生氣、不爽而突然走開
Don't just walk off, when I trying to talk to you!

2. 去走一走緩解不舒服的感覺
We walk off a heavy Sunday lunch.
Let's go out, maybe I can walk this headache off.
walk off dinner/ a meal

3. 罷工
Without new contracts, mine workers will walk off their jobs Thursday.

2019年3月10日 星期日

英文筆記:片語動詞 Break Down

Break Down

1. (機器、車子)故障停止運作
We (= the car) brock down on the freeway.

2. 失敗(破裂)
Negotiations between the two sides have broken down.
I left London when my marriage broke down.

3. 擊破(固體)
Firefighters had to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside.

4. 打破 (情感上的)
It takes time to break down prejudices.

5. 分解
Food is broken down in the stomach.

6. 分成
Break your expenditure down into bills, food and other.

7. 情緒崩潰
She broke down in tears when she heard the news.

break/ broke/ broken

2019年3月8日 星期五

英文筆記:片語動詞 Come By

Come By

1. 順道拜訪
I'll come by the house and get my stuff later, ok?

2. 到手某樣稀少、困難得到的東西
Jobs are hard to come by these days.
How did you come by these pictures?
While I was shopping, I came by this great skirt on sale.

come/ came/ come
come around

2019年3月7日 星期四

英文筆記:片語動詞 Brag About

Brag About 炫耀

He brags all the time about his cars.
He brags about me to his friends.
I don't brag much.
I don't like to brag.
It's nothing to brag about.

brag/ bragged/ bragged

英文筆記:片語動詞 Come Around

Come Around

1. 拜訪
You should come around for a drink sometime.

come by

2. 釋懷(改變自己的原先意見,去同意某人的看法不再生氣)
It took him a while to come around to the idea.
Don't worry, she will come around eventually.
He'll never come around to our way of thinking.

3. 恢復知覺
When she came around her mother was sitting by her bed.
You might feel little sick when you come around from the anaesthetic.

4. (常規事件、日期)一如往常的發生
My birthsday seems come around quicker every year.
By the time the summer came around, Kelly was felling much better.

come/ came/ come

英文筆記:片語動詞 Look Into

Look Into 調查

The working party has been set up to look into the problem.
Police are looking into disppearance of two children.

英文筆記:片語動詞 Step Into Sth

Step Into Sth 

1. 取代、從事
We would like you to step in as the interim head of department.

2. 介入、干涉
She stepped into it and solved our problem.

step/ stepped/ stepped

英文筆記:片語動詞 Sing Along To/With Sth

Sing Along To/With Sth 跟著唱、一起合唱

She loves singing along to the radio.
Feel free to sing along if you know this song.

sing/ sang/ sung

英文筆記:片語動詞 Move In(to)

Move In(to) 搬進

A new family recently moved in across the road from us.
Have you moved into your new offices yet?

英文筆記:片語動詞 Block Off

Block Off 道路關閉、阻擋入口,不讓人進去

All the roads out of the towns had been blocked off by police.
Use the chairs to block off the passageway so that children don't go down there.

block/ blocked/ blocked
shut down

英文筆記:佳句 Whatever makes your heart happy is what you should do.

Whatever makes your heart happy is what you should do.

英文筆記:片語動詞 Look After Sb/Sth

Look after 

1. 照看、照顧
Don't worry. I will look after the kids tomorrow.

2. 確保某人的利益
He is good at looking after his own interests

take care

2019年3月6日 星期三

英文筆記:片語動詞 Ask Sb Over

Ask Sb Over 邀請某人來家裡

She felt guilty that she couldn't ask her friends over for dinner because her apartment was too small for guests.
Mom, can I ask some friends over?
Can we ask Tom over? He has been asked over a number of times.

ask sb round

英文筆記:片語動詞 Ask Sb Round

Ask Sb Round 邀請某人來你家

She asked her friends round for dinner but had to order take-away because she burned the food while cooking dinner.

take-away 外帶

Why don't you ask John round later for cup of tea.

ask/ asked/ asked
ask sb over

英文筆記:片語動詞 Fall Off

Fall Off 掉落、脫落下來

The picture fell off the wall.
My shoe fell off my foot while I was walking home.

fall/ fell/ fallen
come off

英文筆記:英文慣用語 Snap Out Of It

Snap Out Of It 振作起來,停止抱怨、悲傷或沮喪。幫助某人振作起來

You've been depressed for weeks. It's time you snapped out of it.

Slap Out Of It 😂 (更有效)直接賞某人一巴掌,叫他醒醒吧~

英文筆記:片語動詞 Snap Out

Snap Out 咆哮

The Sergeant snapped out an order.
When She learned what he had done, she snapped out and destroyed all his posters.

snap/ snapped/ snapped

2019年3月5日 星期二

英文筆記:片語動詞 Put Down To

Put Sth Down To Sth 認為某事為某事的原因

What do you put her success down to?
You couldn't put the increase in food allergies down to genetics.
I put his irritability down to tiredness.

put/ put/ put

英文筆記:片語動詞 Be After

Be After 

1. 追趕
The police are after him because he stole the diamond necklace.

2. 尋找
"Were you after anything in particular?" "No,we're just looking."

英文筆記:片語動詞 Go Away (From)

Go Away 

1. 不在家一段時間(一段假期)
They've gone away for a few days.

2. 遠離某人、某地
Just go away.

3. 移動到(通常是某物的相反方向)
If you go away from the beach, you'll find more restaurant options.

英文筆記:片語動詞 Snack On

Snack On (在正餐之間)吃點小點心、小零食

Be careful what you snack on, or you will gain weight!

英文筆記:片語動詞 Slave Away

Slave Away 堅持努力不懈的做(某事)

The only way to become an expert at something is to slave away for hours.
I've been slaving away at this report for the last three days.

slave/ slaved/ slaved

英文筆記:片語動詞 Lift Off

Lift Off (火箭)升空

There was a problem with the engine so the spaceship couldn't lift off.

lift/ lifted/ lifed

英文筆記:片語動詞 Keep Off

Keep Off

1. 避免去(吃、喝、吸菸)
I am trying to keep off fatty food.

2. 避免去提到
It's best to keep off politics when my father's around.

keep your hands off me.
The sign says you should keep off the grass.

keep/ kept/ kept

英文筆記:口語 It's exhausting but rewarding.

It's exhausting but rewarding. 很累但是很值得。

英文筆記:慣用語 Roll With The Punches

Roll With The Punches 隨遇而安、隨機應變

You have to roll with the punches.
Since we're unable to change the situation, let's just roll with the punches.

英文筆記:片語動詞 Carry On

Carry On (With Sth) 繼續
Carry On Doing Sth 持續做某事

He become exhausted in the marathon, but managed to carry on.
Carry on with yor work while I away.
He carried on peeling the potatoes.

carry/ carried/ carried

英文筆記:片語動詞 Set Off

Set Off 

1. 觸動警鈴
The jewel thief set off the alarm during the robbery.

2. 出發、動身
We set off early tomorrow, so don't stay up too late tonight.

set/ set/ set

英文筆記:片語動詞 Take After

Take After 和家族成員長得很像(特別是和父母)

Your daughter doesn't take after you at all.

take/ took/ taken

英文筆記:片語動詞 Rub Out

Rub Out 用橡皮擦擦掉

Can I borrow your eraser? I want to rub out a mistake.
We need to try to rub out the graffiti if possible.

rub/ rubbed/ rubbed
wipe out, rub off, 

英文筆記:片語動詞 Go On

Go On With Sth 繼續做某事
Go On Somewhere (繼續)一直走到某處

Go on with your work. I'll be back in a moment.
Go on until you reach the cinema and then turn left.

英文筆記:片語動詞 Leave Behind

Leave Behind Sb/Sth 把某人某物留下
Leave Sb/Sth Behind

She left her books behind when she went to class.
We had to leave Matthew behind when we went to Disneyworld because he was sick.

leave/ left / left

英文筆記:片語動詞 Sb Climb Up

Sb Climb Up 某人升官、處境變好

The soldier climbed up in the army.
He is most likely going to climb up quickly in the company.

climb/ climbed/ climbed

英文筆記:片語動詞 Get Into Sth

Get into sth 對某事變得非常感興趣

She really got into her writing.
I'm really getting into this program.

get/ got/ got

2019年3月4日 星期一

英文筆記:片語動詞 Wrap Up

Wrap Up 結束(對話、會議)

That just about wraps it up for today.

wrap/ wrapped/ wrapped

英文筆記:片語動詞 Filter Out

Noun. 過濾、過濾器
Verb. 過濾、去除

Filter Something Out 過濾、去除

+ Noun.
to filter out dust particles. | 過濾掉灰塵
to filter out light. | 擋掉光
to filter out impurities. | 去掉雜質
to filter out candidates who may be unsuitable. | 篩選不適合的參加者
to filter out the distraction. | 去除分心的事

filter/ filtered/ filtered

英文筆記:字彙 Reaffirm

Verb. 重申、再強調

+  Noun.
reaffirm our relationship | 重申我們的關係
reaffirm their commitment | 重申他們的承諾
reaffirm its importance | 重申它的重要
reaffirm the alliance | 強化同盟

英文筆記:慣用語 Take It (all) In

Take It (all) In 活在當下,享受這一刻

Do you have a time where you stopped what you were doing and just took it all in?

take/ took/ taken

英文筆記:慣用語 Dwell On The Past

Dwell On The Past 沈浸在過去

This is all about living in the here and now. It’s not about dwelling on the past or even “I love doing yoga because it forces me to live in the moment.”

dwell/ dwelt/ dwelt